

注文情報入力画面で include して利用します。(注文情報入力画面以外では利用できません)

カスタム項目はオプション機能 (opens in a new tab)です。詳細はFAQ記事をご確認ください。





<!-- カスタム項目 -->
<!-- id,class,data属性等はJSで制御する際に必要なので変更不可 -->
<div id="view-free_columns">
  {% if base_info.use_free_columns? and shop_form_settings['free_column'] and liquid_custom_field != empty %}
    <!-- カスタム項目タイトル名 -->
    {{ shop_form_settings['free_column_title'] }}
    {% for custom_info_hash in liquid_custom_field %}
      <div id="category-{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}" class="category-wrapper">
        {% for seq_hash in custom_info_hash[1] %}
          {% assign info = seq_hash[1] %}
          <div id="category-{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}-{{ seq_hash[0] }}" class="category-container">
            {% if info['category'] %}
              <!-- カテゴリ名 -->
              {{ info['category'] | escape }}
              {% if info['category_multiple_answer'] %}
                <!-- カテゴリ削除ボタン -->
                <div class="category-minus" data-id="{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}" data-seq="{{ seq_hash[0] }}" style="display: none;">
                  削除<!-- 文字の変更可 -->
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% for i_hash in info['info'] %}
              {% assign i = i_hash[1] %}
              {% if i['required'] %}{% assign required_class = "validate[required]" %}{% else %}{% assign required_class = "" %}{% endif %}
              <!-- 入力項目 -->
                <label for="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}">
                  <!-- 入力項目名 -->
                  {{ i['label'] | escape }}
                  {% if i['maxlength'] and i['type'] == 'EcForce::FreeColumn::Textarea' %}
                    <!-- 残り文字数 -->
                    (残り<!-- 文字の変更可 -->
                    <span data-feedback-maxlength="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}"></span>
                    文字)<!-- 文字の変更可 -->
                  {% endif %}
                {% if i['required'] %} 必須<!-- 文字の変更可 --> {% endif %}
                <!-- 入力項目形式 -->
                {% if i['minlength'] %}{% assign min = i['minlength'] %}{% else %}{% assign min = '' %}{% endif %}
                {% if i['maxlength'] %}{% assign max = i['maxlength'] %}{% else %}{% assign max = '' %}{% endif %}
                {% case i['type'] %}
                  {% when 'EcForce::FreeColumn::Textarea' %}
                    {% for v in i['value'] %}
                      {% if i['is_valid_format'] == true %}{% assign value = v | escape %}{% else %}{% assign value = '' %}{% endif %}
                      <textarea class="free_columns validate[minSize[{{ min }}],maxSize[{{ max }}]] send_feedback_maxlength {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" placeholder="{{ i['placeholder'] }}" rows="5" maxlength="{{ max }}" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}">{{ value }}</textarea>
                    {% endfor %}
                  {% when 'EcForce::FreeColumn::Input' %}
                    {% for v in i['value'] %}
                      {% if i['is_valid_format'] == true %}{% assign value = v | escape %}{% else %}{% assign value = '' %}{% endif %}
                      {% case i['input_type_name'] %}
                        {% when 'メール' %}
                          <input type="email" class="free_columns validate[custom[email],minSize[{{ min }}],maxSize[{{ max }}]] {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" value="{{ value }}" placeholder="{{ i['placeholder'] }}" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" maxlength="{{ max }}" size="{{ max }}">
                        {% when '日付' %}
                          <input type="text" class="free_columns datepicker validate[minSize[{{ min }}],maxSize[{{ max }}],custom[date]] {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" value="{{ value }}" placeholder="{{ i['placeholder'] }}" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" maxlength="{{ max }}" size="{{ max }}">
                        {% when '数字' %}
                          <input type="number" class="free_columns validate[custom[integer],min[{{ min }}],max[{{ max }}]] {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" value="{{ value }}" placeholder="{{ i['placeholder'] }}" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" maxlength="{{ max }}" size="{{ max }}">
                        {% when 'テキスト' %}
                          <input type="text" class="free_columns validate[minSize[{{ min }}],maxSize[{{ max }}]] {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" value="{{ value }}" placeholder="{{ i['placeholder'] }}" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" maxlength="{{ max }}" size="{{ max }}">
                      {% endcase %}
                    {% endfor %}
                  {% else %}
                    {% assign free_column_options = i['options'] %}
                    {% case i['type'] %}
                      {% when 'EcForce::FreeColumn::Checkbox' %}
                        {% for option in free_column_options %}
                          {% if option['default'] == true %}{% assign default = '1' %}{% else %}{% assign default = '0' %}{% endif %}
                          {% if i['value'] contains option['value'] %}{% assign checked = 'checked="checked"' %}{% else %}{% assign checked = "" %}{% endif %}
                          {% if i['value'].size == 1 and i['value'][0] == '' and option['default'] == true %}{% assign checked = 'checked="checked"' %}{% elsif i['is_valid_format'] == false and option['default'] == true %}{% assign checked = 'checked="checked"' %}{% endif %}
                          <input class="free_columns {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" data-default="{{ default }}" type="checkbox" value="{{ option['key'] }}" {{ checked }} name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}][]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}_{{ option['key'] }}">
                          <label for="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}_{{ option['key'] }}">{{ option['value'] | escape }}</label>
                        {% endfor %}
                      {% when 'EcForce::FreeColumn::Radio' %}
                        {% if i['required'] %}
                          <input class="free_columns" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" type="hidden" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]">
                        {% else %}
                          <input class="free_columns {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" data-default="0" type="radio" value="" checked="checked" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}_">
                          <label for="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}_">未設定</label>
                        {% endif %}
                        {% for option in free_column_options %}
                          {% if option['default'] == true %}{% assign default = '1' %}{% else %}{% assign default = '0' %}{% endif %}
                          {% if i['value'] contains option['value'] %}{% assign checked = 'checked="checked"' %}{% else %}{% assign checked = "" %}{% endif %}
                          {% if i['value'].size == 1 and i['value'][0] == '' and option['default'] == true %}{% assign checked = 'checked="checked"' %}{% elsif i['is_valid_format'] == false and option['default'] == true %}{% assign checked = 'checked="checked"' %}{% endif %}
                          <input class="free_columns {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" data-default="{{ default }}" type="radio" value="{{ option['key'] }}" {{ checked }} name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}_{{ option['key'] }}">
                          <label for="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}_{{ option['key'] }}">{{ option['value'] | escape }}</label>
                        {% endfor %}
                      {% else %}
                        {% if i['multiple_flag'] %}{% assign multiple = 'multiple="multiple"' %}{% else %}{% assign multiple = '' %}{% endif %}
                        <input class="free_columns" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}][]" type="hidden" value="">
                        <select {{ multiple }} class="free_columns form-control input-sm {{ required_class }}" data-id="{{ i['free_column_id'] }}" data-prompt-position="topLeft" style="resize: vertical;" name="order[free_columns][{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}][{{ seq_hash[0] }}][{{ i['free_column_id'] }}][]" id="order_free_columns_{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}_{{ seq_hash[0] }}_{{ i['free_column_id'] }}">
                          {% unless i['multiple_flag'] %}
                            <option data-default="0" value="{{ option['key'] }}" selected="selected">未設定</option>
                          {% endunless %}
                          {% for option in free_column_options %}
                            {% if option['default'] == true %}{% assign default = '1' %}{% else %}{% assign default = '0' %}{% endif %}
                            {% if i['value'] contains option['value'] %}{% assign selected = 'selected="selected"' %}{% else %}{% assign selected = "" %}{% endif %}
                            {% if i['value'].size == 1 and i['value'][0] == '' and option['default'] == true %}{% assign selected = 'selected="selected"' %}{% elsif i['is_valid_format'] == false and option['default'] == true %}{% assign selected = 'selected="selected"' %}{% endif %}
                            <option data-default="{{ default }}" value="{{ option['key'] }}"  {{ selected }}>{{ option['value'] | escape }}</option>
                          {% endfor %}
                    {% endcase %}
                {% endcase %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% if info['category'] and info['category_multiple_answer'] %}
              <!-- カテゴリ追加ボタン -->
              <div class="category-plus" data-id="{{ custom_info_hash[0] }}" data-seq="{{ seq_hash[0] }}" style="display: none;">
                <div>入力欄追加<!-- 文字の変更可 --></div>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}